Providing Exceptional Healthcare Staff Nationwide

When it comes to your career in healthcare, we’ve got you covered.

You’ve probably heard that travelers have “recruiters.” That’s true with nearly any travel company you choose to work with. But you get so much more with CareTech Health Group.

In addition to your recruiter, you’ll have a team of experts to help you navigate each aspect of your assignment and career. They take care of your pay, compliance, and overall experience. This expert team will support you through every step of your travel journey. Our team is excited to help you get started!

Our Organization

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We help candidates find meaningful work. We know the work we do is bigger than a job placement. It’s impactful, it’s important and it’s potentially life-changing. Our strong understanding of the healthcare marketplace enables us to connect top healthcare talent to a variety of organizations. We service nearly every sector of the healthcare industry, ensuring a patient in need never goes without care.